Our Lady of the Hamptons has a vibrant Fine Arts Department where students have the opportunity to showcase their varied talents. All students take General Music and students in grades K-5 have weekly dance classes as part of their specials. Additionally, clubs and activities in the Fine Arts are extensive and include after school ballet, tap, and jazz classes, guitar lessons, Dance Troupe (Grades 5-8), the Hamptones and Hamptonix Choirs, Joyful Noise (Junior Chorus, grades K-4), Band, and Suzuki Strings.
JOYFUL NOISE with Mr. Basar |
HAMPTONES with Sister Kathy |
BALLET with Miss Marcia Tuesdays and Thursdays 3-4PM AND 4-5PM |
SUZUKI STRINGS with Mrs. Song-A Cho Wednesdays and Fridays during school. |
TAP CLASS with Mrs. Curro Mondays 3-4pm; Fridays 3-4, 4-5, and 5-6pm. |
JAZZ CLASS with Mrs. Curro.
Wednesdays 3-4 and 4-5pm. |
HAMPTONIX with Sister Kathy |
GUITAR with Mr. Basar |