Pre-K 3 meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-11:30. Children are asked to bring in a change of clothes and a sippy cup or thermo.
2 boxes of tissues
4 paper towel rolls
4 packs of baby wipes
Las clases de Preescular 3 se reunen los martes y jueves de 8:30-11:30pm. Los estudiantes necesitan traer una muda de ropa extra y una botella o termo de agua.
2 cajitas de
panúelos de papel
4 cajitas de
toallitas húmedas para bebé 4 Rollos de papel de limpieza.
Happy Earth Day Week!
Here are some special things and activities you can do to celebrate Earth Day:
Turn off the lights if you are not in the room. Safe electricity. Feed the animals Do not waste water Do not litter Recycle Plant a garden Go for a walk instead of a drive
What's Happening
OLH Pre-K will be closed unitl April 1st
Please use the links below to keep children engaged during this time. These are free educational sites. Some might require a login.
Prek de OLH estará cerrado hasta el 1 de abril.
Por favor utilice los claves a continuación para mantener a los niños estudiando durante este tiempo. Estos son sitios educativos gratuitos. Algunos pueden requerir un inicio de sesión